Tuesday 29 June 2010

June is winding down . . .

Here we are heading into the last couple of days of June – WOW, where did that month go?!?!  I’m really hoping to get my PhD completed projects posted tomorrow – might be really late though – so be prepared.


We stopped at two quilt shops over the weekend – the first one was Bernice’s in Reston, Manitoba.  There is a bit of just about everything the quilter, knitter, embroiderer (is that a word!) could ever need – that store has everything. 


The Peace by Piece quilt group is having a Saturday workshop in November and I need to find 9 batiks in green and 9 batiks in red.  So now I have a shopping list for every quilt shop I head into – so far I have seven green tones and zero reds – the hunt continues, and I’m sure there will be modifications as I go.  I picked up a couple of pieces at Bernice’s and a couple more at the Weyburn Fabric Centre . . . plus a couple from last week – oh the miles I’ll be putting on to collect my perfect grouping.


Oh I know that Halloween is a ways off also, but I just couldn’t resist this piece at 50% off – even if it’s only for the backing of a project – I think it’s adorable!


And not so adorable is my little green froggie in the garden yesterday – I think he was more startled than me though – look at his back legs . . . they’re all crossed up around each other!  I’m not sure if he could have gone anywhere's real quick or not – be looked a lot like a pretzel when I took his picture. 


The inside guts of a poppy are really gross – but fascinating at the same time.


Taking bee photos is an exercise in it’s own right . . . boy, can these guys flit from one blossom to another.  You just get it into focus and then boom – he’s off again.


And a final photo from my garden . . . one of my very favorite flowers – even though it’s not yellow!  Columbines are so unique and this one turned out pretty darn good – might have to enlarge it for one of my picture frames - I think I’m due for a new rotation soon.

Hope I will to be back tomorrow with my finished PhD’s . . . can’t wait!!!! 


Jennifer said...

Yummy batiks, I like batiks and I love green......if they go missing form your house, they will be at mine......

Peggy said...

Shopping for fabrics - not a hardship for a quilter - have fun!!!