Monday 29 September 2008

It's Raining Acorns!

. . . and I mean RAINING!
You pretty much need a hard hat to do anything in the yard. These things are pinging off the deck, the patio table, punching holes in my deck plants and just generally becoming a huge nuisance. You can't walk anywhere without twisting your ankle almost.
Some years there are hardly any and then this year there are thousands. Funny thing is though that you still hear the squirrels fighting in the trees . . . what are they fighting over? There is more than enough to keep 20 dozen squirrel families happy all winter long.
Now here is a tree in the yard that doesn't hurtle missiles at you . . . only gently falling yellow leaves. It's hard to believe that this tree will only have bare branches to show the world in another week or so.

I had my inspector on duty this weekend . . . double checking the machine quilting situation on this quilt that just keeps going on and on and on. The inspector advises that things are looking pretty much done now. That is very good news for me!
Of course the bad news is that this is quilt #1 of two . . . and #2 has some design modifications that will need to be made. Not with the blocks . . . they worked great . . . but just in the layout. So if you think the first quilt went on and on, wait 'til we see how far the second one can be dragged out. This one hasn't even gone to the tester yet . . . so it will still be a while before it is completely revealed - (sorry Myra!).
Working Monday to Friday and trying to squeeze in all the designing, sewing, printing and shipping details that go along with this whole crazy business, into early morning and late evening hours, is sometimes (almost always!) very frustrating. So many ideas and so little time.

Oh, I need to show you these lovely magazines that came in the mail. I'm not sure how many of you read the blogs from Australia, but I've been noticing all these references to the Homespun magazine and have looked for it on the newstands quite often. I have only been fortunate enough to pick up one or two issues locally, so I thought I would do some research and find out if the magazines could be ordered on line. They can! Plus you can subscribe to it (and many other quilting and stiching magazines) or you can order back issues like I did.

So, if you're like me, and haven't quite spent all your hard earned money on fabric and related items, you might want to check out this website and see if they have what you are looking for.

Happy shopping!

'til next time,



Quilter Going Bananas said...

Oh no, more magazines? Off to check it out now! I'm glad the inspector-cat is on duty. Too bad she can't help out with the acorn problem....LOL

Myra said...

How did I miss this post yesterday?
Acorns... reminds me of my daughters hidden collection of them when she was about 4-5. Two weeks later they were maggots...yik! 8-)
I love oak trees! We don't have any around my place. I would put up with the falling acorns anytime! 8-)
Shucks! I have to wait even longer now to see you hidden surprizes!?! Well, if I must!
Happy stitchings! 8-)

Myra said...

I almost forgot, I used to get Australians Patchwork & Quilting when I first got into quilting... those are great mags too! 8-)

Julie said...

Homespun is a lovely magazine, glad you are able to get hold of them. Do you keep all your mags? My collection is huge, I can't bring myself to part with any.