Yeah right!!
I used to be . . . before I went to work for a living, but not anymore. I work and quilt, sometimes vacuum and clean bathrooms, plus wash the odd dish here and there.

And then I see people like Anna Maria Horner, Martha Stewart and other homemaker-type divas and I do wish I had all the time in the world to accomplish even 1/2 of what these ladies are doing. I received a copy of Anna Maria's new book as a Christmas gift and there certainly are a few projects that would make my home more of a home. I'll see where I can fit that in!
Very nice book though and I understand that Anna Maria is expecting her sixth child - where does she find the time! To write the book and do what she does, I mean.

My son gave me my very own Bamboo drawing tablet which is all nicely connected to my computer now and ready for me to try and figure it all out. So far I can write my name and have drawn and colored a daisy . . . moving right along with this, aren't I? Once again, it is the time thing . . . once I can commit an hour or two here and there to just specifically learning this neat little gizmo, I'll have it aced. Mind you, I'll never be as accomplished as my son and the art that he produces with his tablet (check out earlier post).

Here is the domesticated part of my post! I made biscuits for supper last night and they turned out deliciously. This is a recipe that I have been making for more years than I'm going to tell you and it works every time (for me, anyway!).
I know my pictures are looking a little dark and all, but really the biscuits did turn out really good.

This recipe is from the Company's Coming Cookbook, Muffins & More (page 94), by Jean Pare:
2 cups white flour
2 Tbsp. granulated sugar
1 tsp. salt
4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. Cream of Tartar
1/2 cup cold margarine (or butter)
1 cup cold milk
I usually soften the margarine in the microwave for a short time and then put the first five ingredients into the same bowl and using a fork, cut in the margarine to make a crumbly mixture.
Pour in the milk and stir to combine. The dough is very sticky at this point (or I use just a bit too much milk!) Turn everything out onto a floured surface and knead gently 8 - 10 times. This is where I begin adding more flour until I get the consistency of dough that "just feels right". Pat the dough to 1/2 to 3/4 inch thick or half the thickness that you want the finished product to be. Cut with a sealer ring (large) or a round cookie cutter. Place on a greased cookie sheet close together for soft sides or apart for crisp sides. Bake in 450 degree oven for 12 - 15 minutes.
Break out the honey pot and enjoy!
Before Christmas my husband came up with a new saying: "If you make it - you eat it!" I guess I had a few things that didn't turn out all that great - must have been the choice of recipes I'm thinking.
Anyway, he did eat my biscuits and I bet there's not that many left when I get home.

This is a photo of one of the kitty quilts that was happily received by my two girls this Christmas, and even though I made it, they won't let me use it. Imagine that!
'til next time,